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St. Pope John Paul II

Pope 1920-2005

Second Sunday of Advent with snow and pine cones

Second Sunday of Advent

It is clear however that the paths to holiness are personal and call for a genuine "training in holiness", adapted to people's needs.  


This training in holiness calls for a Christian life distinguished above all in the art of prayer...But we well know that prayer cannot be taken for granted.  We have to learn to pray...Prayer develops that conversation with Christ which makes us his intimate friends...This reciprocity is the very substance and soul of the Christian life, and the condition of all true, pastoral life.

Novo Millennio Ineunte, Par. 31, 32

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Linda - December 5, 2021.  Last week, on the first Sunday of Advent, we introduced a pastoral letter entitled Novo Millennio Ineunte written by Pope John Paul II following the Jubilee Year 2000.  We highlighted one of the passages where St. John Paul states, without any hesitation, that all pastoral priorities and evangelistic outreach must be rooted in the universal call to holiness.

This week, we wanted to highlight how this call to holiness primarily manifests itself in the life of a Christian.  Adding to our quote above, St. John Paul also wrote, "As this millennium begins, allow the Successor of Peter to invite the whole Church to make this act of faith [Duc in altum = Put out into the deep], which expresses itself in a renewed commitment to prayer. NMI #38  

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