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Biblical Dreams

This section contains dreams that are found in the Old as well as in the New Testament.  A lot of Christians aren't aware that the sacred scriptures contain many, many accounts of dreams sent by God to guide, protect, influence and comfort his people.  Dreams are part and parcel of God's communication with us which is why Marcel and I cherish every dream that He sends us.  

As always, we recount the dreams and then proceed to break them down in order to decipher all the symbolic elements.  This helps us gain a full understanding of the message God was trying to communicate to these heroes of the bible.

Over time, we hope to have a post on every single dream found in the scriptures!

St. Joseph sleeping with an angel hovering over him

St. Joseph's Dreams.  God decided to speak to Joseph through dreams in order to safeguard His Son's life. (New)

Solomon sleeping and talking to God in his dream

Solomon's DreamAt the beginning of his political career, Solomon, the heir to his father David's throne, had an incredible encounter with God in his sleep. 

Statue of Nabuchadnezzar and a green tree with birds flying around it

"Nebuchadnezzar's Dream".  A very wise and prophetic young man in the Babylonian court helps the king by deciphering a troubling dream. 

Esther 1:12 written on turquoise and white starlit clouds

Esther 1:12. What important thing did Mordecai do after he woke up from his dream? (New)

Silhouette of the three magi following the star and Bethlehem in the distance

"The Wise Men's" Dream.  The three magi were given a divine warning through a dream in order to protect Jesus, the newborn King. 

King Nebuchadnezzar standing in the foliage of a tree against a green background

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream: In the second year of his reign, this great king had a dream that none of his magicians could interpret. But the young Jewish lad Daniel did. (Video)

Numbers 12:6 written on green and white starlit clouds

Numbers 12:6.  In this scripture verse, God teaches Aaron and Miriam how He communicates with them and with Moses. (New)

Two nomad's tents in the brown desert sand

"Gideon's Dream".  In point of fact, it wasn't Gideon who had a dream but a Midianite soldier.  God gave this pagan soldier a dream in order to reassure Gideon that He was truly with him.  

Two chinese dragons in a showdown

"Mordecai's Dream" from the Book of Esther shows us how God can reveal His plans to us ahead of time, even during our sleep.

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