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Children's Page

Jesus ascends to heaven after his resurrection

Luke 24:50-51
Jesus Ascends to Heaven

Jesus walks on water

John 6:16-21
Jesus Walks on Water

Jesus heals the lame man

Matthew 15:30
Jesus Heals the Lame

Jesus raises Jairus' daughter

Luke 8:50,55
Jairus' Daughter

Shepherds kneeling before Jesus with Joseph and Mary

Luke 2:8,16
The shepherds and the Holy Family

Jesus Carries His Cross to calvary

Mark 1:12
Jesus Carries His Cross

Jesus baptised by John in the Jordan

Matthew 3:16-17
Baptism of Jesus

Jesus holds the lost sheep in his arms

Matthew 18:12-14
Jesus & the Lost Sheep

Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey to the acclaim of the people

Matthew 21:16
Jesus Enters Jerusalem

The three magi arrive in Bethlehem on their camels

Matthew 2:9-10
The Magi Follow the Star

Jesus is being tempted by the devil

Mark 1:12-13
The Temptation of Jesus

Jesus speaks to the Samaritain woman at the well

John 4:14
Jesus at the Well

Jesus forgives the woman caught in sin

John 8:11
Jesus & the Sinner

Jesus talking to the little children

Mark 10:14-15
Jesus & the Children

©2020 Website created and designed by Linda Dion

for Magnificat Ministries. Created with

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