Chris Keyes

Chris Keyes, M.A. (Theology)
V.P., Programming CCO
Host of Food for Life
May this serve as a heartfelt and unqualified recommendation of Magnificat Ministries and its co-founders, Marcel and Linda Dion, whom I have known personally for over 30 years.
Their response to the call of Vatican II to the lay apostolate is no less than impressive. Marcel and Linda left well-paying teaching jobs to found this apostolate some 25 years ago. They did so with a pastoral blessing from the Church but with no economic support or guarantee of any kind. The personal sacrifice they have made as they have ‘labored in the vineyard’ speaks to the authenticity of their ministry.
I have personally been a beneficiary of both Marcel and Linda’s ministry. Linda has often provided me with helpful spiritual guidance for practical matters and my personal prayer life. She has a keen understanding of the spiritual life and is uniquely gifted for spiritual direction. Through many of Marcel’s teaching series I have been edified and encouraged to pursue a deep contemplative prayer life. Despite my formal academic training in theology, I have learned much about the spiritual life from Marcel.
Magnificat Ministries is wonderfully authentic and human as well as completely magisterial and biblical in its teaching and its vision. Marcel and Linda wholeheartedly embrace the rich heritage of the Catholic Church and the contemporary emphasis of Vatican II and teachings of the recent popes. Any parish or diocese would be wonderfully blessed by this apostolate and the personal ministry of Marcel and Linda. I wholeheartedly endorse it.