Linda and I both left teaching careers in order to say ‘Yes!’ to the Lord's call on our lives. That meant not only stepping out in faith and trust, but also leaving behind the security of a conventional means of livelihood; salaries, benefits, and pensions. Magnificat Ministries - the registered charity we founded - is the sole means through which God provides for us.
Over the course of our 29 years of full-time ministry, thousands of faith-filled souls have laboured in the Lord's vineyard with us; through their time and talents in ministry, as well as through their generous financial and spiritual support. We have no plans of retiring since we believe the Lord desires us to minister for decades to come! Won’t you join us!
It would be such an honour to include you as “partners and co-labourers” (Phil 1:6) in our mission! Your concrete support truly does contribute to the strengthening and building up of the Kingdom of God on earth and will enable us not only to continue doing so but to do so more effectively and with greater impact.
With heartfelt gratitude and promise of prayer,
Marcel & Linda

Participate in our mission!
For your convenience, we offer several options to facilitate your giving!
Option 1: Interac e-Transfer (Monthly or Occasional Support)
Electronic transfers are simple and secure.
Log in to your bank account.
Select Transfers, then Interac e-Transfer.
In the 'Contact' box insert our email address - marcel@magnificatministries.ca
Insert your transfer details (account, amount of donation, etc.).
Your donation* will automatically be deposited into our Ministry (business) account.
* Income tax receipts are issued at year end.
Option 2: CanadaHelps.org (Automatic Monthly Withdrawal or occasional Support)
CanadaHelps.org is a Canadian registered charity established to enable charities like ours to offer pre-authorized automatic monthly donations. A modest fee (3.5%) is deducted from your donation by CanadaHelps. This provides you with:
The convenience of 'worry-free' automatic monthly support.
An income tax receipt at year end.
Monthly support is a tremendous blessing for us with respect to budget planning and the continued development of the ministry.
Set up your monthly support now...
Option 3: Post-dated Cheques
Please make cheques payable to Magnificat Ministries and mail to:
Magnificat Ministries
44 Boulder Way
Nepean, ON, K2J 4R6