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A few simple gifts from us to you...

Thank you so much for visiting with us. We're truly grateful and honored.

Please feel free to download these free resources. They are simple but contain wisdom

that has been of tremendous help and encouragement to us. We hope and pray

that they'll be as meaningful to you as they have been to us.

Click on the images below to download the Pdf files 

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The first novena in recorded history was prayed in an upper room in Jerusalem, where the Lord's disciples gathered with His mother Mary. Just before His glorious ascension, Jesus had told them:


"...before many days you shall be baptized

with the Holy Spirit... you shall receive power

when the Holy Spirit has come upon you

and you shall be my witnesses..." (Acts 1:5, 8)


Being 'clothed with power' with the Holy Spirit is only one part of our heritage as sons and daughters of the Father. For many of us, the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit have not been fully appropriated or activated. These prayers may encourage and inspire you to "make love your aim, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts" (1 Cor 14:1); in other words, to seek the Father for the full measure of grace and power that He promised to all His beloved children.

Practical help for personal prayer!


Develop your vocabulary of praise!

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Prayer to Take Authority
& Psalm 91

©2020 Website created and designed by Linda Dion

for Magnificat Ministries. Created with

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