Foundational Principles
Proverbs 25:2 says that "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." This passage of scripture very accurately describes the search that we, as beloved children of our heavenly Father, must embark upon in order to understand the ways of God in our personal lives and in the lives of all our loved ones. We do this first of all through prayer, but also through scripture and good books, through our sacramental life and through other and varied means. But Linda and I also take into account our dream life because we're convinced that God speaks to us through that means. It's been such an exciting journey as we've endeavoured to "search out the matter" by writing down our dreams and taking the time to ponder them and talking to God about them. This obviously involves time and effort, but Jesus Himself promised us that those who seek will find!
Dreams are night parables, riddles or enigmas if you will, that contain a precious, hidden treasure. When we interpret them correctly, they can become agents of change in our lives because through them God instructs, guides, encourages, warns, and forms us. God really enjoys communicating with us and doing so, even while we sleep, isn't a problem for Him.
Dream Basics, Types:
Dream Categories: