Dream Elements
What interests us the most when we dream is the meaning of the symbols. We wonder what numbers, colours, animals, vehicles, buildings and other such elements mean, in order to make sense of the message the Lord is trying to get across.
When God sends us a dream, He uses everything that is part of creation and part of our lives to get His message across. This means that people, animals, buildings, vehicles, colours, flowers, plants and food can all be used to convey His will, guidance, protection and warnings into our lives. Jesus used the same approach teaching parables to the crowds. Those who came to understand the parables were those who asked the Lord - in a more intimate setting - to explain the symbolic meaning of these stories. And the Lord graciously taught them because He saw their hunger to learn and to understand.
In this section, we hope to provide you with the tools necessary to make sense of the symbols contained in your dreams and to interpret them from a biblical viewpoint. We are very excited about this and hope to add quickly to our very humble beginnings...