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Dream Elements

What interests us the most when we dream is the meaning of the symbols.  We wonder what numbers, colours, animals, vehicles, buildings and other such elements mean, in order to make sense of the message the Lord is trying to get across.

When God sends us a dream, He uses everything that is part of creation and part of our lives to get His message across.  This means that people, animals, buildings, vehicles, colours, flowers, plants and food can all be used to convey His will, guidance, protection and warnings into our lives.  Jesus used the same approach teaching parables to the crowds. Those who came to understand the parables were those who asked the Lord - in a more intimate setting - to explain the symbolic meaning of these stories.  And the Lord graciously taught them because He saw their hunger to learn and to understand.

In this section, we hope to provide you with the tools necessary to make sense of the symbols contained in your dreams and to interpret them from a biblical viewpoint.  We are very excited about this and hope to add quickly to our very humble beginnings...

Twin kittens sitting on a chair, looking up into the camera

Cats in Dreams.  Cats in dreams can be a bit tricky to interpret, depending on how you might feel about them.  (New)

Red breasted bird perched on a branch with mauve flowers

Dreams of Birds. Birds...they can be good or bad, a blessing or a curse. 

A variety of colourful wooden numbers

Numbers in Dreams.  Numbers have always played a role in the way God speaks to us and He uses them with great intent and purpose. 

Hotel on the waterfront, all lit up.

Buildings: In this second video on buildings we cover such symbols as: hotels, hospitals, churches and garages. (Video)

Hanging wooden dentist's sign with a tooth attached

Teeth Dreams.  Have you ever had a dream where your teeth are falling out or you look in the mirror and to your utter surprise, your teeth are dirty, crooked or broken?

Green snake with mouth open, showing its fangs

Snake Dreams. Through such a dream the Lord may be giving you an important 'heads up', for which you'll be very grateful. (Video)

Round amber coloured stones of all sizes

Colours: God created the universe with beautiful colours and He also uses them in our dreams! The first 7 colours are: black, white, amber, blue, brown, gold, green. (Video)

Drawing of a variety of colourful insects

Insects in Dreams.  Since the Fall, insects are often negative symbols in dreams.  But some are positive. (New)

Blue, red and green cars lined up in a parking lot

Vehicles in Dreams. What do trains, airplanes, motorcycles, pick-up trucks and other such vehicles symbolize in our dreams? 

Grey-yellow Victorian house surrounded by trees

Building Dreams.  Buildings are another very common symbol that God will use to speak to us in dreams.

Very tall glass highrise

Buildings: In the Gospels, Jesus is known as "Teacher" and to this day, He continues to teach us through our dreams! Learn about: schools, shops, restaurants and office buildings. (Video)

Ancient coins of bronze

Money Dreams.  Money dreams are always very interesting, especially when coins show up unexpectedly!

Jesus dressed in a white robe with a golden sash amidst the 7 lampstands

Revelations 1:9-16.  While on the isle of Patmos, the Lord appeared to John in a vision and helped him understand the symbolism of what he was seeing.

Multicoloured fish

Colours manifest something of God's heart and they are part of God's language in our dreams. We present seven more colours: grey, orange, pink, purple, red, silver, yellow. (Video)

12 days of Christmas on a wooden background with golden bells

The Twelve Days of Christmas. This is not a dream but the symbolic elements in this popular song are fun and enlightening.

Chipmunk on the ground eating red berries

Animals & Creatures in Dreams.  God uses all of creation to speak His purposes into our lives. 

Cabin on a snowy mountain top surrounded by trees, at night.

Buildings are another symbol that often appears in dreams. Learn what houses, castles, cottages, barns and warehouses symbolize.  (Video)

Inside view of an immense theater hall

Buildings: Learn the symbolic meaning of: malls, theatres, repair shops and gas stations. This video also includes the interpretation of an actual dream involving a gas station. (Video)

Orange snake slithering on the ground

Snake Dreams.  What does it mean when you see a snake in one of your dreams? 

Set of colourful crayons in a semi circle

Colours in Dreams.  Colours can often play an important part in the dreams that God gives us.  They add flavour and texture.

Bathroom setting with tub, toilet, cabinets and mirrors

Bathroom Dreams are probably common to most people on the planet! Discover their meaning and why you have good reason to be grateful for them! They can have quite an impact on your spiritual life. (Video)

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