God is truth and therefore His word is also always true.
This means that we can trust God wholeheartedly and unreservedly.
His words, mediated through the scriptures, the saints and other masters of the spiritual life,
have inspired, encouraged and strengthened Marcel and I throughout the years with the truth that they contained.
We hope that these truths, anointed as they are by the Spirit, would refresh you, bless you and speak prophetically
into your lives, so that you may go forth, anointed by God, to move in "signs and wonders" for the building up of His kingdom and for the joy that awaits you as you continue to fulfill your mission and destiny in Christ.
The scriptures and words chosen are meant to be pondered and contemplated. Because we can now get everything at the touch of a button and at incredible speed, we can tend to treat the things of God with the same expectations and attitudes. We tend towards consumerism rather than dive into contemplation, which is something that requires time. The images used in these inspirations were very deliberately chosen, not just because they might be cute
or beautiful, but because they reflect the truth and the reality contained in the words that accompany them.
These too must be pondered, contemplated, gazed upon so that we come to a place where we can see and discern
the very glory of God in His creatures, creatures that also "speak" to us of deeper truths and realities.
Finally, we have intentionally refrained from adding too many comments or reflections
on the scriptures, quotes or passages.
We wish the words and the images to speak the truth on their own, because these words contain life; and this very life and light of God that they reflect can heal, strengthen, encourage and build up, all on their own. They truly effecta change in our souls and in our spirits, a change that leads us on the road towards holiness of life.
Many blessings upon your journey!