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Did you now that the world-renowned musical masterpiece, the Messiah, was given to Handel in a dream?

Some of the world's greatest inventions, books, songs, and inspirations have also been given to us through dreams.

In the scriptures, we see that dreams have played quite a substantial role in the lives of many biblical persons

such as Jacob, Joseph (son of Israel), Pharaoh, Gideon, Mordecai and Joseph, foster-father of Jesus,

thus changing the course of history forever. 

Everyone dreams and if it is true that not all dreams are from God, many, many of them are.  They are usually highly symbolic and parabolic, meaning that they come in the form of parables which need to be interpreted.  When on earth, Jesus spoke to the crowds mainly in parables or allegories and afterward, if any of the disciples were interested, they would pursue the Lord until He would explain the parable to them. The same is true of dreams.

Marcel and I both believe that the Lord, in His gracious and loving-kindness, guides us even in our sleep

by granting us dreams that are helpful to our journey.  We have seen many people's spiritual walk with the Lord

grow in depth and freedom through remembering and recording their dreams and then asking the Holy Spirit

for the wisdom to decipher "the code" so to speak.  It is all so very helpful and exciting too!  

We also believe that many are actually called to be "dreamers" on a more regular basis; that the Lord is releasing

this anointing (see Acts 2:17-18) on many souls for their own good, for the good of their loved ones and

in some cases for the good of their parishes, their workplace, their country.  Many dreams are prophetic in nature

in the sense that they impart knowledge which we would otherwise not have for ourselves and for others.

They are truly meant to be a blessing.

We've found that one of the most helpful ways to learn about interpreting dreams is to read or listen to

an actual dream being interpreted. That's why we have written posts of actual dreams the Lord

has given us or others, together with the interpretation. 

Dreaming a dream is actually the easy part; the biblical interpretation of a dream is where the hard work is.

We have acquired some knowledge of biblical dream interpretation along the years and we wish

to pass this knowledge on to you, in the hopes that you will be encouraged to pursue the meaning

of your own dreams. We can assure you from our own experience that an exciting adventure awaits you!

Click on the thumbnails below to read the interpretation of these dreams!

A pair of kittens sitting on a chair, looking up at the camera

Cats in Dreams.  Cats in dreams can be a bit tricky to interpret, depending on how you might feel about them.  (New)

St. Joseph sleeping with an angel above him

St. Joseph's Dreams.  God decided to speak to Joseph through dreams in order to safeguard His Son's life. (New)

Starry  heavens with white clouds

Esther 1:12. What important thing did Mordecai do after he woke up from his dream? 

White cross of Jesus above golden waters

"The Anti-Church" Dream.  Could this dream reflect St Pope John Paul II's prophecy delivered in 1976 during a visit to the United States? (New)

Blue-green starry sky with white clouds

Numbers 12:6.  In this scripture verse, God teaches Aaron and Miriam how He communicates with them and with Moses. 

Little chipmunk eating red berries

Animals & Creatures in Dreams.  God uses all of creation to speak His purposes into our lives. 

Old Victorian house with trees.

Building Dreams.  Buildings are another very common symbol that God will use to speak to us in dreams.

Regal lion sitting

"Prayer is Warfare" Dream.  A lion comes into a classroom and speaks three words to one of the students. 

Three magi on their camels looking up at the star in the night sky

"The Wise Men's" Dream.  The three magi were given a divine warning through a dream in order to protect Jesus, the newborn King. 

Blue vintage phone with a white dove

"The Phone Call" Dream.  In this dream, the dreamer receives a message from 'someone' through a landline telephone, telling of a coming outpouring of the Spirit.

Pope Innocent III sleeping and dreaming

Pope Innocent III's dream. His prophetic dream helped shape the course of history.

Very old underground brick bunker

"Bunker" Dream. This is a dream about a group of people, a cellar, food and a cat!

Triangular head of a green snake

"The Snake" Dream.  Who hasn't had a dream with a snake in it?  We're sure very few people haven't. Find out the meaning of this particular snake dream.

Two tents in the desert sand

"Gideon's Dream".  In point of fact, it wasn't Gideon who had a dream but a Midianite soldier.  God gave this pagan soldier a dream in order to reassure Gideon that He was truly with him.  

Farmhouse with a tornado forming in the distance

"The Power of One Hail Mary" Dream.  This dream teaches how one single Hail Mary can protect us and completely overcome the enemy's plans of chaos and destruction.

White dog resting on a bed

"White Dog" Dream.  In this dream, God graciously reveals His heart for Kathie, calling her into deeper intimacy with Him.

Number 19 on a blue plaque affixed to a wall

"The Number 19" Dream. The number 19 has a significance all of its own but the real key to interpreting this dream was our discovery that God was using a play on words in order to grant us reassurance.

Drawing of a variety of colourful insects.

Insects in Dreams.  Since the Fall, insects are often negative symbols in dreams.  But some are positive. (New)

The song the 12 Days of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas. This is not a dream but the symbolic elements in this popular song are fun and enlightening. 

Little bird perched on a pink-flowered branch.

Dreams of Birds. Birds.  They can be good or bad, a blessing or a curse. 

Ominous ancient cobblestone road at night

"Lawlessness" Dreams.  God has something to say about the condition of our world in these 2 dreams; that we have become like Sodom and Gomorrah.  (New)

Multi-coloured cars parked in a row

Vehicles in Dreams. What do trains, airplanes, motorcycles, pick-up trucks and other such vehicles symbolize in our dreams? 

Pile of big multi-coloured numbers

Numbers in Dreams.  Numbers have always played a role in the way God speaks to us and He uses them with great intent and purpose. 

Hands of an doctor and a patient

"My Eye" Dream.  This dream, given a few years back, contained a gentle warning from the Lord.  The dreamer needed to make a few adjustments in order to clear up her vision. 

Ancient rust and bronze coins

Money Dreams.  Money dreams are always very interesting, especially when coins show up unexpectedly! 

Ancient stone watchtower

"Watchmen on the Wall" Dream.  Who are the modern-day watchmen on the wall and what is their mission within the Church?

White dove surrounded by orange and yellow circles

"The Holy Spirit is Coming" Dream.  This is a dream where the dreamer declares the coming of a future event. (New)

Statue of St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis & His Dreams. St. Francis learned something about how God leads us through two dreams that he had while still a young man.

Flashing lights of a police car at night

"Help On the Way" Dream. A prophetic dream with a promise of heavenly help. 

Multi-coloured colouring pencils

Colours in Dreams.  Colours can often play an important part in the dreams that God gives us.  They add flavour and texture.

Large tree and statue of Nebuchadnezzar

"Nebuchadnezzar's Dream".  A very wise and prophetic young man in the Babylonian court helps the king by deciphering a troubling dream. 

Statue of a powerful angel

"Angelic Protection" Dream. The Lord always encourages us in our times of trials and difficulties and He often sends heavenly help.

Old pioneed palisade with entrance into fort

"Storm Trooper" Dream. This dream dovetails quite nicely with our teaching videos on the Purgative Way.

Orange half and quarters

"Orange Balm" Dream. Discover how oranges and lip balm can communicate a word from the Lord to encourage you. 

Black clouds over a field of sunflowers

"A Storm is Coming" Dream.  A prophetic dream given on the morning of December 26, 2024. (New)

White dove against a deep blue sky

I've Had a Dream...Now What? What are some of the first things we need to do when we've been given a dream?

Open bible with gold-trimmed pages

"The Anti-Gospel" Dream.  In this dream, God was revealing that material would be published that would be contrary to the True Gospel.  (New)

Door opening into a lit room

"Sauternes" Dream.  God gives the dreamer a prophetic dream that includes an open door and an expensive wine. 

Solomon sleeping having a dream of God appearing to him

Solomon's DreamAt the beginning of his political career, Solomon, the heir to his father David's throne, had an incredible encounter with God in his sleep. 

Classroom with rows of desks, blue chairs and a green board

"Spelling Books" Dream.   When Michelle received this dream, she knew God was revealing something of her future to her. 

Wooden dentistry sign with a big white tooth hanging from it

Teeth Dreams.  Have you ever had a dream where your teeth are falling out or you look in the mirror and to your utter surprise, your teeth are dirty, crooked or broken? 

Orange snake slithering on the ground

Snake Dreams.  What does it mean when you see a snake in one of your dreams? 

Pennies falling through the clouds

"Pennies from Heaven" Dream.  This dream teaches us that declaring the truth about God effects a very definite and positive shift in our life circumstances. 

Head and mane of a golden lion

"Lion in the Sky" Dream.  Could the "Rider of the Heavens" be promising to come to our rescue?  We believe this to be a prophetic dream, hopefully for our times!!

Jesus standing among the 7 lampstands

Revelations 1:9-16.  While on the isle of Patmos, the Lord appeared to John in a vision and helped him understand the symbolism of what he was seeing.

Statue of the feet of Mary crushing the serpent's head.

"I Am With You" Dream.  Another snake dream with a very encouraging message and a comforting "presence".

Dark clouds with a clear opening

"Flooded Lot" Dream. A friend of ours was given this very timely dream where God shows her the part she needs to play as world events unfold.

Two dragons having a show-down

"Mordecai's Dream" from the Book of Esther shows us how God can reveal His plans to us ahead of time even, during our sleep.

Tree with people rejoicing in it.

" The Tree" Dream.  The Lord uses a single image to communicate the truth of Old and New Testament scriptures.

Turquoise and cream-coloured vintage car

"The Turquoise Car" Dream. France shares this beautiful 'calling' dream which will not only inspire you in your own call and mission but will also help you learn how to interpret your own dreams.

Multi-coloured pants hanging in a closet

"Coloured Pants" Dream. What do pants symbolize in a dream? Especially pants turning from yellow to orange?

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