Kathie Borys

Kathie and Bob have been happily married for 39 years. They have raised five children and now also enjoy six grandchildren. Kathie has been serving in parish ministry for decades through catechesis, marriage preparation and the Legion of Mary. Bob is on our Board of Directors.
I have been receiving direction from Linda on a monthly basis for the past 4 years. During that time she has helped me to grow into a much deeper faith and understanding of myself and my relationship with God. She is keenly knowledgeable about the saints, Church teaching, and the Bible. Linda is a deeply prayerful person with a true gift for mentoring. Through prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit, she has been able to discern how God is leading me through my prayer and personal life, as evidenced in the prayer journal I bring to our sessions. I also write down my dreams, and Linda has been able to help me see how many of them point to deeper issues in my past, or in my family. Through this discernment and direction, I have been able to unearth wounds or strongholds from my past that have bound me to disorders or negative tendencies throughout my lifetime. Thanks to her wisdom and insight I have been freed from many of these hindrances and I am much more free to be the person that Christ is calling me to be.
Linda and Marcel are two of the most dedicated and faithful Catholics I have known. The scope of their study and knowledge of all things Catholic is astounding. They have never taught or spoken anything contradictory to Church teaching, as laid down in the Catechism. Their lives are grounded in prayer and solid spiritual study. They have given up everything in order to teach, pray, guide, heal, and bring everyone they reach into deeper communion with Jesus through a deeper understanding and love for all that the Catholic Church teaches.