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Psalms & Songs

The melodies for these psalms were borne somewhat out of necessity. In the fall of 1984, Fr. Bob Bedard - a longtime personal friend - asked me to oversee the music and worship at the parish he'd just been appointed to as pastor; St. Mary's in Ottawa. Within months of his arrival the Lord began a work of remarkable renewal in the lives of the existing parishioners and the many visitors who came to check it out.

In those early days Fr. Bob was preaching and I was leading worship every Sunday. The Lord's anointing (that experiential sense of His presence) was felt by everyone throughout the liturgy, but especially during Fr. Bob's preaching and through our group's music. 

Playing and singing every week presented me with a bit of a challenge, since I don't have any formal musical training and don't read music. Providentially, some years earlier I'd been mentored by a very gifted and prayerful guitarist and songwriter (Tim Kehoe). I endeavoured to follow his model of praying for and trusting I'd be given inspiration to compose simple melodies for the responsorial psalms. The Lord was incredibly faithful in providing that inspiration.

The psalms and songs below are fruit of that season of prayer and ministry. The melodies are simple, but the words - all of them taken from Scripture and therefore inspired by the Holy Spirit - are inspiring, encouraging, uplifting and profound. The videos that accompany them are also simple, the focus being the songs, not the videos. Our hope is that they may serve as a vehicle to enable you to praise and worship the Lord as well as to receive from His bountiful mercy.

(Click on the images below to hear the songs and view the lyrics)

Beautiful mountain sunset with flowing river, as a backdrop for contemporary sung version of Psalm 27

The Lord is My Light and My Salvation

Psalm 27: This is without doubt one of my personal favourite of all the psalms. It makes a bold declaration of faith in the midst of warfare (vs. 3), yet also gives voice to a beautiful expression of the heart's cry for intimacy with the Lord (vs. 8-9). Its closing verse is among the most beautiful and faith-building of all the psalms, "Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord!"

The sun appears on the earth's horizon, viewed from space.

All Glory

This is the first and only song that I've ever written on my own. I wrote it in one sitting in December of 1998, on the eve of the Year of the Father, leading up to the Great Jubilee 2000. I felt we needed a song directed to the Father. The words of the doxology immediately came to mind and formed the chorus. I then thought of some of my favourite verses of scripture and they all seemed to just fall into place by themselves.  What a grace!

Beautiful Open Bible with candle burning and eye glasses, as a backdrop for contemporary sung version of Psalm 34

Taste and See

Psalm 34: I love the refrain and joyful feel of this psalm. The notes in my Bible explain that to "taste and see" means to "know by experience" the goodness of the Lord! Isn't that what first brought us to the Lord and what we still all long for? taste the goodness of the Lord ever more deeply!

Beautiful sunset with clouds and blazing white Cross of light in the sky, as a backdrop for contemporary sung version of Psalm 145

The Lord is Near

Strictly speaking this isn't a responsorial psalm, but these lyrics are drawn from Psalm 145. When I composed this I heard two distinct melodies. Since the parishioners at St. Mary's were so wholehearted in their singing I taught the lower melody to the men and the higher main melody to the women. They picked it up right away. It was amazing and beautiful to hear an entire congregation sing in parts. We have yet to hear that in any other parish.

Blazing light of blood and water flowing from Jesus' pierced heart, as a backdrop for contemporary song Jesus, We Trust in You

Jesus, We Trust in You

This song is the result of a collaboration with Matt Devine, Fr. Tim's brother. While visiting with his family he played the chorus for me - which he'd already composed - and asked if I had any ideas for some verses. I began playing along with him and within minutes a melody and words came to me. Matt came up with the bridge. It was a hit from the very first time we played it in public. I still think it's one of the best "Divine Mercy" songs out there.

This Day was Made by the Lord

Psalm 118: The refrain to this responsorial psalm is one of the best-known verses of the Bible. We sing this psalm on Easter Sunday, but its truth is one we can declare every day. Linda and I try to call this to mind first thing every morning to start off our day! 

Cupped hands hold a flaming heart, as a backdrop for contemporary sung version of Psalm 51

A Pure Heart, Create For Me, O God!

Psalm 51: This psalm was first prayed by King David following his episode with Bathsheba. The conviction he experienced was accompanied by a grace of true and profound repentance, which has left us with one of the most beautiful psalms of repentance and gratitude. 

Blazing light illumines the empty tomb of Jesus Christ, as a backdrop for the sung Easter Alleluia!

Easter Alleluia!

To highlight the exceptional nature of Easter Sunday, the Gospel reading is prefaced by this very joyful proclamation. This uplifting song is one you can sing and dance along to every day of the Easter Octave, or anytime you need a boost to your spirit.

Flames and light of the Holy Spirit, as a backdrop for the anointed song You Shall Be Clothed with Power.

Clothed With Power

This is a powerful song of declaration; ideal to help us prepare for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit!  

The Holy Spirit hovers over the earthed wreathed in flames of God's love, as a backdrop for contemporary sung version of Psalm 104

Lord, Send Out Your Spirit!

A beautiful Pentecost Psalm of praise and invocation! If ever we needed a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we surely do now! Come Holy Spirit. 

The sun illumines a foot path through the forest, as a backdrop for contemporary sung version of Psalm 25

Remember Your Mercy

Psalm 25: This beautiful, peaceful song draws its lyrics from Psalm 25. It is a humble prayer of repentance. It's also a sincere prayer for guidance and deliverance, full of trust and confidence in the goodness and mercy of God. 

The sun sparkling through the trees on a beautiful summer day, as a backdrop for a contemporary sung version of Psalm 33

May Your Love be Upon Us O Lord

Psalm 33: Although every psalm is inspired, specific verses may speak to our hearts more personally at certain times, such as the refrain from this psalm; “May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place our hope in You!" 

A basket overflowing with autumn apples, as a backdrop for a contemporary sung version of Psalm 148

Give Praise to the Name of the Lord

Psalm 148: This is an uplifting, modern rendition of Psalm 148 exhorting all of creation to join in the praise of our awesome and almighty God! 

Light falls from heaven upon an open Bible, as a backdrop for a contemporary sung version of Psalm 19

You Alone Have the Words of Eternal Life, O Lord!

Psalm 19:  Jesus, the incarnate Word of the Father; He alone has the words of eternal life. May this musical meditation on the living Word of God help you abide in that Word who is the Way, the Truth and Life!

PSALM 67.png

Let the Nations Praise You, O God!

Psalm 67:  Jesus IS the King of kings and the Lord of lords! We know that by faith. But the day will come - when He returns in glory - and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that truth! In the meantime, let us join in praise of our great KING! 

A golden Cross and open Bible in cathedral, as a backdrop for a beautiful, haunting new chant of Psalm 51

Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God!

The Risen Christ Jesus walks out of the tomb into blazing light, as a backdrop for a new arrangement of the fabulous Vineyard song, You are mighty.

You Are Mighty

Flower seeds are blown in the wind on a beautiful sunny day, as a backdrop for the great song to the Holy Spirirt, Sweet Wind

Sweet Wind

Bleeding heart flowers, as a backdrop for the Hillsongs classic, Power of Your Love

The Power of Your Love

Jesus shinning in glory in the clouds

Lord Reign in Me

Beautiful shady path with fence, as a backdrop for a contemporary sung version of Psalm 16

The Path of Life

Powerful ocean wave, as a backdrop for Kevin Prosch's classic, Show Your Power

Show Your Power

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