Mary's Faith
Only faith can embrace
the mysterious ways of God's almighty power. This faith glories in its weaknesses
in order to draw to itself Christ's power.
The Virgin Mary is the supreme model
of this faith, for she believed
that "nothing will be impossible with God," and was able to magnify the Lord:
"For He who is mighty
has done great things for me,
and holy is His name."
(CCC # 273)
Linda - December 1, 2024 - "To believe that nothing is impossible with God...absolutely nothing"... is something that both Marcel and I ask for on a regular basis. We wish to have the kind of faith that, even though it be only the size of a mustard seed, could move mountains, uproot trees, heal the sick, free the prisoner, make the blind see and the lame walk... literally and spiritually.
When we have that kind of faith, the sick are healed, unbelievers are enticed and most of all, God is glorified. It is the kind of faith that pushes back the darkness of the enemy and establishes God's Kingdom more firmly on earth. It is the kind of faith that pulls down upon earth in the natural realm, what already exists in heaven, in the supernatural. This year, this is our most fervent Advent prayer; Lord help us to believe that all things are possible in You, just like Mary did.
She believed, and the second person of the Trinity in heaven became flesh on earth.
And like Mary, we too could sing, "He who is mighty has done great things for me"...for me!