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'Be still and acknowledge that I am God, supreme over nations, supreme over the world.'

Psalm 46:10

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Tranquil setting of farms in a green meadow with a peaceful river in the forefront

Linda - October 24, 2021.  God's will, grace and mercy always prevail. No matter the plans of the enemy, God reigns supreme over every single person and every single thing. He is the only Lord over all of creation and because of this truth, His will rules over and supersedes all the plans of man. Therefore, no matter what happens, we need to trust our heavenly Father with the confidence that moves mountains; a confidence that produces miracles. But it should be done in a state of stillness and peace.  Easy to say, difficult to do; but very much worth the effort. 


Linda - February 27, 2022.The world is in a state of great unrest.  We could be on the brink of a major world-wide conflict with significant disruption to a great many conveniences and goods, not to mention the loss of lives.  But through it all, let's keep in touch with the Lord through prayer and let's keep trusting that all that is befalling humanity is within the great and most capable hands of our God who works for us "miracles of his faithful love" (Ps. 31:21).  As the prophet Habakkuk once wrote: "Calmly I await the day of anguish which is dawning on the people now attacking us...But I shall rejoice in Yahweh, I shall exult in God my Saviour.  Yahweh my Lord is my strength, he will make my feet as light as a doe's, and set my steps on the heights. (Hab. 3:17-19). 

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