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In old age


they will still bear fruit,


will remain fresh


and green,


to proclaim Yahweh's



Psalm 92:14-15

Psalm 92.jpg

Linda - November 12, 2023 - We posted this Inspiration a few years ago, but having just turned 65 last weekend, these verses from Psalm 92 have taken on much greater meaning for me!  You know, it's a bit of a shock when you get papers in the mail saying that you will soon be able to receive your CPP and OAS!  You look back and wonder how the years could have rolled by so quickIy!  But I have this great hope - a firm hope - rising within me that my life has just taken a turn and that a whole new adventure in the Lord is opening up before me!  Marcel will himself be turning 65 next June and we keep declaring that we are only middle-aged 🙂 and that we have many more great years ahead of us.  We believe that our work here on earth isn't done so we try to confess with our mouths that "we will remain fresh and green", and that this vitality will enable us to continue proclaiming - for many years to come - the realities of the kingdom of God.


Our bodies may be aging, but our souls and our spirits are eternal and they are the source of our youthfulness!  So all those of you who are now officially "seniors", take heart!  There is yet so much that we can do to further establish God's kingdom here, on earth.  We are still able to produce much fruit because we are like "a cedar of Lebanon, planted in the house of Yahweh, flourishing in the courts of our God" (verses 12, 13).  We are essentially the "cake with the cherry on top"! 😀. Be blessed, all you seniors of the Lord and know that all of your gifting, talents and wisdom are greatly needed!  You have still so much to give...

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