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The Great Shaking!

Linda Dion
August 18, 2024

A few months back, on Pentecost weekend, Marcel and I shared some words that I'd been hearing for sometime and that we both believed were from the Holy Spirit.  We share these 5 words again, because they lay the foundation for another word that I've been hearing and praying into these last few weeks.  These 5 words were:


- STAND! - The sense I've had for a few years now is that Christians and all people of good will for that matter, through action and prayer, are to stand against moral filth, perversion, persecution, war, digital IDs, abortion, euthanasia, etc., in order to push back the evil global agenda that is trying to steal our future.  We are to do this also by standing securely and confidently in the calling and mission for which each one of us was created.


- WAKE UP - The Lord wants to "kiss us awake" and pull us out of our lethargy, complacency, passivity and great physical and mental exhaustion, so that we are prepared to face the growing onslaught of ungodliness with much insight and supernatural wisdom.    


- GET READY/PREPARE - We are to prepare literally/physically for the coming trials but more specifically we are to       prepare in faith and much prayer to obtain the Holy Spirit's wisdom. In the midst of unprecedented world events we will need to make decisions based on God's thoughts, ideas, plans and strategies in order to prevail and flourish in Him, through whom "we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).


- SOMETHING IS COMING - When we shared this word, we didn't quite know what this would look like but we believe that this "something" is even now upon us.  Certain events have taken place since then. We have seen the assassination attempt of Donald Trump (from which he was miraculously protected); a drastic rise in anti-semitism; the war in Israel which has escalated to include more countries such as Yemen, Syria and Lebanon and which could propel all nations into a Third World War; the recent fluctuations of the stock market along with serious economic issues; internet/cyber issues which will certainly continue to increase; the strange weather patterns: fires devastating millions of acres, floods, extreme heat accompanied by several feet of baseball-sized hail; election tampering; national uprisings; riots and civil unrest in major cities throughout the globe; the incarceration of Christians over matters of life and procreation; the evil and blasphemous opening ceremonies at the Olympics, overtly satanic worship events and many more issues.


In Canada we have seen power hungry politicians band together to pass laws which restrict freedom and block access to real news and unbiased information along with the persecution of independent news services.  These same people are pushing euthanasia to such an extent that Canadian doctors were the 6th leading cause of death in 2021 and assisted in over 13,000 suicides in 2022.  This number will surely grow since they now want to make euthanasia available to those with mental health problems, anorexia, hearing problems and even to those who are poor. (Read article in The Washington Examiner).  Canada is becoming notorious around the globe for its delight in killing its most vulnerable populations.  Recent statistics also show that over 45% of Canadians are $200.00 or less away from insolvency due to government-driven inflation and policies and that sky-rocketing food costs are driving a larger portion of the working class to seek help from food banks. These food banks are decidedly overwhelmed by this demand. (Read this article). There is also the more than 100 churches that have either been burned to the ground, desecrated or vandalized in the last few years; the indoctrination of school-aged children in our educational systems; the imposition of the carbon tax that further exacerbates our financial problems; the devastation of our forests by fire; and the list goes on.


As bad as all these events are, there is more to come. We are now entering more fully into a kind of "perfect storm", consisting of a variety of challenging events related to religion, politics, economics, war and geo-physical matters. The word that I've been sensing is that we are soon to witness and live through a GREAT SHAKING on a worldwide scale.  Events are accelerating.  As one event subsides, we will be tempted to believe that it is over, but we will be hit with one thing after another.  More is coming. And the Lord is the one who is behind this Shaking because He wants to bring all of His plans to fruition; plans that are yet to be unveiled.


As alarming as this sounds, we know that the Lord is good and faithful, which is why He prepares us ahead of time so that we can be ready.  He desires that we turn to Him with great trust and confidence in the midst of this Great Shaking so that He Himself can take care of us and keep us hidden in the shadow of His wings.  The Lord wants us to thrive in the midst of this difficult season, just as Isaac did in the year of drought and famine.  Isaac trusted in the Lord's word to Him, followed His strategic instructions, and not only weathered through the storm but actually increased and prospered in a way that his Canaanite neighbours did not. (Read post here)


Along with this Great Shaking there is a Great Awakening that needs to take place so that the Body of Christ can fully awaken from its slumber and rise up to fight the powers of darkness and the spirit of antichrist that would have us all believe their narrative: that they have already won and that they will rule the world and force us to bend the knee before their gods.  The younger generations will have a part to play in this battle of pushing back the darkness. (Read post entitled "Storm Troopers Dream")


Difficult days are ahead, but by the Lord's grace we can continue to stand firm in action, prayer and fasting.  I believe that we will see more angelic activity,  that we will witness many miracles of healing and of provision.  I believe that we will see amazing, and astounding things.  Many will actually witness the tangible glory of God coming down upon them.  I believe that as the enemy tries to increasingly manifest his evil agenda upon the earth, God will send His Holy Spirit in a way that we have yet to experience, releasing a New Pentecost that will bring in a rich harvest of souls.


We have been created for such a time as this.  We all have a mission to accomplish in the coming years that is both, frankly quite scary, and yet surprisingly exhilarating.  


Marcel and I hope to declare, like the prophet Micah, that "I am full of strength (full of Yahweh's spirit), of the sense of right, of energy..." (Micah 3:8)


The nations will shake and the people of God will awake...


This is what I'm sensing so far and I continue to pray into these words to see what else the Lord has to say.


Haggai 2:5-6

Do not be afraid!  For Yahweh Sabaoth says this:  A little while now, and I shall shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.  I shall shake all the nations, and the treasures of all the nations will flow in, and I shall fill this Temple with glory, says Yahweh Sabaoth.

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