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Trust & Confidence

The test put before Adam and Eve in Eden was surprisingly simple; to trust God and to trust what He'd told them about the garden He'd placed them in, and the mission He'd ordained for them to accomplish; to "be fruitful and multiply". Sadly their trust in God gave way to the deception of Satan's lies, a lie that essentially said, "God cannot be trusted!". They chose to believe the malicious and envious deceiver rather than their loving Creator. Since that initial fall from grace, we all - to some degree or other - mistrust God, His promises, His commands, His warnings, even His it-seems-too-good-to-be-true unconditional love.


The consequences of that mistrust have been disastrous for every individual and for the world as a whole. Thankfully, Jesus' act of perfect trust and confidence in His Father, even in the face of the horrific test of the Cross, has redeemed all of humanity and atoned for that first act of mistrust. So what does that mean for us on a practical, day to day basis?


At one level, with every act of trust that we make we participate in the Lord's redemption. These acts of trust and confidence also grant us two other great benefits; on the one hand they contribute to strengthening and building up the kingdom of God on earth, but at the same time they deepen our union with the Father, through Jesus, in the Holy Spirit. In other words these acts of trust and confidence contribute to our personal sanctification. How wonderful is that!


As we know, fulfilling our destiny in Christ relates directly to attaining the fullest measure of holiness possible for us. That cannot happen without cultivating and exercising great trust and confidence in God. As we make spiritual progress, our anxiety levels decrease and our trust increases. Linda and I are so convinced of the vital importance of trust and confidence to the interior journey that we've created this page solely on that theme. These videos complement the series we've created on the Interior Journey. Trust, holiness, confidence, spiritual maturity, prayer; they all intertwine, depend upon and support one another. That's why they are worth emphasizing, as we're endeavouring to do. 

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The Surrender Novena: This novena has had a tremendous impact on our lives and spirituality. Jesus promises to "take care of everything!" for those who surrender to and trust in Him. Download your own Pdf by clicking on "Resources" in the menu.


A New Level of Trust: Trust is at the very heart of spiritual growth. Unfortunately, due to the Fall, we can sometimes miss the signs of positive spiritual growth that the Lord sends us. 


Surrender All: You can't find a better thing to do than to surrender all to Jesus!


Jesus I Trust in You: "Man, tempted by the devil, let his trust in his creator die in his heart..." (CCC 397) So how do we, unlike Adam and Eve, come to that place of great trust in our heavenly Father's goodness?


Rock Solid: When we are having a difficult day, we can ponder the words St. Paul wrote to the Ephesians (Eph. 2:10). They are rock solid and trustworthy, but the choice is ours to believe them or not.


Choosing to Believe: Holiness doesn't merely happen by accident. In fact, we cannot totally fulfill our destiny without holiness.


3 Reasons to Trust God: In any given situation trial or challenge the most important question we can ever ask ourselves is, "Will I trust God in this or not." Here are three irrefutable reasons to put your complete trust in God!


Tik-Vaa: Discover the meaning of this Hebrew word which can really help anchor you in the midst of trials and difficulties.

©2020 Website created and designed by Linda Dion

for Magnificat Ministries. Created with

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